International News Analysis -- Today
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February 4, 2008

International News Analysis Today
By Toby Westerman

Moscow is warning that "U.S. "attempts to dictate its rules and laws to others" has led to a "looming war of civilizations." America's emphasis on human rights must be balanced by "the rights of peoples, countries, and histroical religious, cultural,or other [identities]," according to Moscow. The statements were made on the Voice of Russia World Service, an official broadcasting service of the Russian Federation.

The exact nature of America's offending "rules and laws" were not specified, but reference to the necessity of respecting "the rights of peoples and countries…" as well as "the rights of the individuals" gives an unmistakeable indication of Moscow's political and social direction.

America's emphasis on human rights in the face of Islamic fundamentalist oppression is the real subject matter of Moscow's comments on the possibility of a "war of civilizations."

The message from Moscow is clear: oppressors have rights, too - and individual rights must be ready to give way.

Moscow's remarks were made at the beginning of the Alliance of Civilizations Forum, held in Madrid, Spain in mid-January. The UN was one of the sponsors of the Forum, seeking to "build bridges that can help us to manage the differences existing in the world, particularly those linked to religious or cultural issues," according to one of the co-sponsors of the Forum, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

The two-day Forum was attended by 350 people representing sixty nations. One of the results of the Forum was a plan by participants to invest $100 million to support of major films productions that "promote cross-cultural understanding and combat stereotypes."

Zapatero conceived the idea of the Forum to counter aggressive U.S. military actions against Islamic militants.

The Forum was an attempt to shift the focus from those who suffer atrocities at the hands of Muslim fundamentalists - both in and out of government - to the assumed "rights" of groups to engage in brutal acts, if that brutality has the sanction of an historical tradition.

Moscow has a consistent track record of opposing U.S. policy against totalitarian regimes. The reference to "Indo China" concerns American attempts to stop communist aggression against the people of Laos, Cambodia, and the Republic of South Vietnam. In the Balkans, the United States responded to reports of massacres carried out by the regime of Sobodan Milosevic. In Iraq, the U.S. toppled long-time (sp) Soviet/Russian ally Saddam Hussein.

Now the United States is attempting to counter the aggression of two other Moscow allies, Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

While Islamic militants carry explosives and automatic weapons, the Forum suggested the use of youth outreach and film production to "counter stereotypes."

Moscow advocated the production of what it called a "white book" for "inter-civilzation dialogue," a guide for the understanding and dialogue between various societies and cultures.

Unfortunately for those who believe in the rights of the individual, the underlying message is that oppressive societies - such as fundamentalist Islam - have rights, too, even it means allowing the murder and mutilation of innocents.

Moscow has maneuvered itself onto both sides of the war on terror. Washington seeks Moscow's assistance in fighting the war on terror, but the Kremlin also arms Iran, supports Syria, and is one of the reasons why North Korea has not yet collapsed.

The neo-Marxist president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, considers Russian president Vladimir Putin a friend, and Moscow supports the Chavez regime, a close ally of Iran, with modern jet fighters and a license to manufacture Russia's advanced AK 103 assault weapon.

The Russian government considers the nearly 50-year-old communist regime in Havana, Cuba to be a "key ally" in the Latin American region. Communist Cuba is known to have ties with virtually every major terror organization on earth.

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International News Analysis

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